now more than ever we all need branding photography.

It is 2022 - everything is done virtually, digitally, and throw in any other techy terminology here on how businesses are run in today's world. Your clients want to see you - that's rich coming from me right? The person that has been avoiding social media like the plague for a few years. But trust me, I GET branding photography and the importance of it. I have helped so many clients stockpile fabulous imagery of what they are passionate about so they can enhance their business in unbelievable ways. Read on for why you need this for your business, no matter the size of what you have going on.

1. First Impressions

You get ONE chance to show people who you are. 1/10th of a second. That's how long it takes someone to form an opinion of you. It only takes 50 milliseconds for someone to love of hate your website or social media presence. Don't risk this crucial detail on subpar images that do not showcase your true passion and self.

2. Increased Engagement

Highly engaged customers are more likely to buy. That alone should sell you on why you need branding. More authentic photos = more customer engagement. (Note to self... engage more on social media!) But seriously, if you have plenty of ammo in your branding arsenal, you are naturally going to share more, which leads to more engagement.

3. Brand Consistency

If someone remembers you through consistent sharing and images, they are more likely to identify with you and go with your for the services they need. Consistent showcasing of a brand has been shown to increase revenue by 33%. When customers know you, they will trust you. Showcasing your brand through consistent beautiful imagery can increase your potential exponentially!

4. Set Yourself Apart

Show your future clients that you are different. Show them that you take your business seriously. Show them that you value what you are passionate about. This will naturally build trust. 46% of consumers say they would pay more to purchase from businesses that they trust and know. Branding photography can do that for you by authentically showcasing what you love and can bring to the table for your clients.

5. Add Value

When you look professional, you can charge professional prices. Yes, YOU can increase your prices. Branding photography does that - it makes you look unbelievably professional to your clients. Mic drop.

Do you need branding photography?

Yes, the answer is a resounding yes! Whether you are a blogging mama, fellow photographer, or full blown entrepreneur - YOU need this. And I am your girl. If this is something you would love to chat more about, click on the image below so we can amplify your branding.